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Alleged 'Lizard Squad' Member Reveals His Face In A TV Interview

Dave Smith 
After allegedly taking down Sony’s PlayStation Network and Microsoft’s Xbox Live on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, one of the hackers from the collective “Lizard Squad” has spoken out, revealing his face in an interview with UK’s Sky News.
The interview with the alleged Lizard Squad member, a Finland-based man using the alias “Ryan,” was conducted via Skype. It can be viewed at the bottom of the page.
Here’s what “Ryan” said, regarding Lizard Squad’s takedown of the game networks over the holidays:
  • How it happened: ”This attack was basically done by three people. We had a couple of people from outside the group helping with the attacks, helping us a little bit, but most of the traffic was coming from one or two people.”
  • Why they did it: “Mostly to raise awareness – to amuse ourselves… One of the big aspects here was raising awareness regarding the low state of computer security at these companies. Because these companies make tens of millions every month from subscriber fees and that doesn’t even include purchases made by their customers. They should have more than enough funding to be able to protect against these attacks.
  • If he feels bad about what he did: “I’d be rather worried if those people didn’t have anything better to do than play games on their consoles on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day… I mean I can’t really be (inaudible) feel bad. I might have forced a couple of kids to spend their  time with their families instead of playing games.” 
As of Friday afternoon, Lizard Squad says it is no longer attacking Xbox Live or PlayStation Network, instead allegedly shifting its focus to the Tor Project, the anonymous communications service. Tor updated Business Insider on the state of the attacks early Saturday morning.
Check out the interview below (the alleged hacker’s face is revealed at 1:51), and visit Sky News for more from that interview.
