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Beautify Ubuntu 15.04 with the Latest Nitrux Icons and Numix Theme

The Nitrux 3.5.1 icon pack is now available for downloa
  Ubuntu 15.04 with Nitrux and Numix
So, you've just installed the recently released Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) operating system, and you're interested in changing the default look (wallpaper and icons) with some awesome ones.
Well, look no further, as we today we are happy to introduce you guys to the latest release of the Nitrux icon theme, one of the most acclaimed Linux iconset on the market.
Version 3.5.1 of the Nitrux icons is out, and the fantastic designers from Nitrux S.A. have added icons for the Accersiser, Aard Dictionary, Abrowser, AM2R, and Ace Stream Player applications.
However, the good news is that the Nitrux team provides an up-to-date Personal Package Archive (PPA) from where you can install the Nitrux iconset on your Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) distribution.
Without any further ado, to add the Nitrux PPA and install the icon theme, as well as the Numix theme, open the Unity Dash, search for Terminal, open it, and paste the following lines of code, one by one, hitting the Enter key after each one.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nitrux-team/nitrux-artwork
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y nitrux-icon-theme numix-gtk-theme unity-tweak-tool
Wait for each of the commands mentioned above to finish the job before pasting/writing the other one. Once the install process is complete, open the Unity Tweak Tool utility from the Unity Dash, press the "Icons" button, select 'Nitrux' from the list, go back and press the "Theme" button, and select 'Numix'. That's it!
