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Signs Popping Up Across Missouri That Hillary Is NOT Going To Like [PHOTOS]

The longer Hillary Clinton is in the spotlight, the more it’s made clear she is completely and utterly unfit for office. In order to push this point along, signs are being sold and are popping up across Missouri that Hillary is not going to like in the slightest.
Between Benghazi and her current email scandal, there’s no arguing that Hillary doesn’t like being held accountable for her actions. Unfortunately for her, it’s exactly that which is proving to be her downfall as America is coming to this realization.
Beyond the countless rumors, claims, and conspiracy theories circling overhead the Clinton duo, it seems that the certain truths are more than enough to put Americans off. Despite this reality, it seems like there are a few citizens (who unfortunately have the right to vote despite their mental ineptitude) who are hell-bent on seeing America with its first female president.
As if the last time America voted a president into office based of nothing more than a physical feature went so well the first time, they want to do it again. However, it may not be so easy – especially if Author Marinka Peschmann gets her way.
It seems that she may have sparked a movement of sorts after selling “Prison or POTUS” bumper stickers in regards to Hillary. Now signs are popping up in the area that read “Hillary for Prison 2016.”
According to The Gateway Pundit, the “signs were spotted in St. Charles, Missouri today.” Not entirely sure why someone felt the need to put a goat next to it with what appears to be a bullet proof vest, but its certainly a nice touch.
This trend shows that Americans think Hillary is more deserving of prison than the Oval Office. I, for one, couldn’t agree more. What do you think – is this something you would proudly display in your front yard? It would be a great way to annoy those pesky liberals that live next door.
(h/t: The Gateway Pundit)
(Image source: The Gateway Pundit)
