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25 Highly Useful AngularJS Tools for Web Developers

AngularJS is one of various new frameworks which plan to make improvement of JavaScript less demanding and quicker. AngularJS intends to make HTML mark-up dynamic and subsequently more helpful to web developers, whilst giving a standard structure from which numerous segments can be made rapidly and effortlessly. More front-end web designers are currently looking for approaches to set up interfaces immediately when JavaScript coding can overall be extremely prolonged. JQuery is one such illustration of a structure controlled by local JavaScript, which has truly served to accelerate web development. A few properties, when added to standard HTML5 code, can rapidly begin to create AngularJS results.
JavaScript is being utilized to power more parts of numerous web applications today, having at first been utilized just for unnecessary customer signs when it was initially utilized on the sites. The utilization of systems has implied a more prominent consistency and robustness in JavaScript on the web and it can now be included in both the customer and server side.
JavaScript designers would be astute to get into AngularJS in the coming years as this structure sites in a conspicuous position as far as utilization and far reaching prominence, alongside any appearance of Knockout and Backbone. There are long range of AngularJS tools available in the internet. Today we have mentioned 25 best AngularJS tools for web developers.

1) Best Testing Tool for AngulaJS – Protractor

Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for AngularJS applications. Protractor runs tests against your application running in a real browser. Protractor supports Angular-specific locator strategies, which allows you to test Angular-specific elements without any setup effort on your part.
best angularjs tools for web developers for 2015 - protractor

2) Testing Framework for AngularJS – Jasmine

jasmine is another test framework for javascript Users. This is DOM less javascript framework, its suits for all Node.js projects, websites and free to run anywhere.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 - jasmine

3) IDE for AngularJS –  Webstorm

WebStorm’s smart code editor provides first-class support for JavaScript, Node.js, HTML and CSS, as well as their modern successors. WebStorm works well with most modern and popular technologies for web development. Enjoy first-class support for AngularJS.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 - webstrom

4) Best Framework for AngularJS-  Angular fire

Firebase is set of libraries that use to build web and mobile applications easily and it’s a powerful framework. Its provide Angular Fire framework for javascript users.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 firebase

5) Testing Tool for AngularJs – karma 

karma is another most popular testing framework for javascript applications and provides a testing environment to developers.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 karma-angularjs

6) Best AngularJS Tool – Mochajs

Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on node.js and the browser, making asynchronous testing simple and fun. Mocha tests run serially, allowing for flexible and accurate reporting, while mapping uncaught exceptions to the correct test cases.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 - mochajs

7) Best Code Editor – SublimeText

This is one of the favourite text code editor for developers.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 - subllimetext

8) Best AngularGrid – Angular Deckgrid

Angular deckgrid is lightweight grid for AngularJS.  Its free for download. The directive does not depend on the visual representation. All the responsiveness and beauty comes from your CSS file.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 angular-deckgrid

9) Useful AngularJS service – Restangular

Restangular is an AngularJS service that simplifies common GET, POST, DELETE, and UPDATE requests with a minimum of client code. It’s a perfect fit for any WebApp that consumes data from a RESTful API.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015  - restangular

10) AngularJS Extension for Chrome –  ng Inspector

ng-inspector is a browser extension for Chrome and Safari that adds an inspector pane to help you develop, debug and understand your AngularJS applications.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 - ng-inspector

11) Angular GetText

Angular gettext is super simple translation support for AngularJS. Just write everything in English and annotate which parts should be translated. The tools do the rest.

best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 - angular-gettext 12) Angular Framework – AngularUI

AngularUI is AngularJS framework.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 - angularui

13)  Yeoman Generator Angular

Yeoman generator for AngularJS – lets you quickly set up a project with sensible defaults and best practices.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015- yeoman

14) djAngular

A reusable app that provides better app integration with AngularJS. Djangular allows you to create AngularJS content per app, instead of creating a single massive AngularJS application inside of Django.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 - djangularjs


Mentions and Macros widget based on AngularJS, but with no dependencies on jQuery.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 -

16) Angular Kickstart

Speed up your AngularJS development with a complete and scalable build system that scaffolds the project for you.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 - angular-kickstart

17) ng Book

When we’re building large Angular apps, it’s not uncommon to run into head-scratching issues that are seemingly difficult to uncover and resolve.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015-  ng-book

18) MeanIO

Mean is simple and powerful javascript framework for building web applications.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 -

19) Code Orchestra

COLT is a front-end development tool which allows writing code live-style. Just as you modify the code and save, the alterations are delivered to the working application using a special protocol. Its support for AngularJS.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 - colt

20) Angular Seed

This project is an application skeleton for a typical AngularJS web app. You can use it to quickly bootstrap your angular webapp projects and dev environment for these projects.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 - angular-seed

21) LUMX

The first responsive front-end framework based on AngularJS & Google Material Design specifications. Performance is highly important for any web application. That’s why we only use jQuery without any of its plugin. Each component was then home made to be perfectly plugged to your AngularJS application.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 - lumx

22) ng Docs

best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 - ng-docs

23) AngularJS Batarang

AngularJS WebInspector Extension for Chrome
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 - angularjs-batarang

24) Videogular

This is the HTML5 Video player for AngularJS. Videogular is developed with AngularJS and it will fit in your project like a charm.
best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 - videogular

25) ng Table

best angularJS tools for web developers for 2015 - ng-table
