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‘Moderates’ Hear Muslim Woman Hates Marriage, Decide To End It For Her

Robert Rich
After learning that a Muslim woman in their community wasn’t exactly happy with her arranged marriage, a group of so-called “moderates” decided to get together and help remedy her problem. In a way that only the religion of Islam knows how, the group was successfully able to end the marriage for her – and the entire graphic moment was caught on video.
Although President Barack Obama would like for you to think that there is actually only a small number of Muslims who violently adhere to the words of their “holy” book, this just simply isn’t the case. According to a report just recently released, the number of Muslims who support the Islamic State (ISIS/Daesh) totals over 60 million people.
Those in nations with a population of Islamists much higher than Western nations practice the religion more closely to how it was intended and commanded in the Quran and Hadith – enacting Sharia law.
Mad World News reported earlier this month on a woman who was stoned to death after being discovered to have sex outside of marriage. According to the original article:
The occurrence took place just outside of Firozkoh in Afghanistan, where Muslim men carried out the woman’s punishment. After reportedly having sex with a man who wasn’t her husband, the woman – believed to be between the ages of 19 and 21 and only known as Rokhshana – was taken to the outskirts of town for some not-so-fun in the sand.
Since that time, a second video has been released, this one is purportedly a different angle of the same incident, but it seems to show just how barbaric the form of execution is, as the first video was censored. As can clearly be seen, a group of Muslims – apparently all men – crowd around the woman and dump her into a hole in the ground.
Those set to carry out her punishment (death) pick up rocks that had been placed around the hole and start hurling them at the defenseless woman. With every excruciating blow, the woman could be heard crying out in agony, but that doesn’t stop the merciless Islamists.
The only time they stop is when they believe the woman is dead – when she starts moving again, they simply pick up more rocks and resume the previous treatment. The heartless monsters could be seen aiming directly for the head with their intent perfectly clear – killing this woman in a fashion outlined by their prophet.
If this video isn’t enough to make your stomach churn, then there really is no hope. For those of us who this does bother, there comes a dire reality along with it in that these are the people who Obama likes to refer to as “moderate Muslims.”
These are Muslims carrying out punishment on Muslims, because this is exactly how the religion is meant to be practiced. The only reason you don’t see that over here is for two reason — they’re a minority and our nations have civilized laws that would have them locked away for the rest of their lives if they felt like acting in such a way. Sadly, these are the same people Obama wants to let in by the handfuls. Do you see the problem yet?
(h/t: Bare Naked Islam)
(Image source: Shoebat)
