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One Meme Sums Up Exactly Why We Should Never Take In Muslim Refugees

Dom the Conservative
Bleeding-heart liberals keep attacking conservatives over their “Christian duty” to take in refugees, but they have forgotten one crucial piece of history that proves that accepting Muslim migrants will have devastating results — and it’s all perfectly summed up in this brutal meme.
In 622 A.D., Muhammad, the self-proclaimed prophet of Allah, fled to Medina as a “refugee.” The scheming street preacher had stirred up resentment in his hometown of Mecca by gathering his few hundred followers and attacking the peaceful Meccans.
For 13 years, Muhammad mocked the local Meccan religions, which coexisted peacefully, claiming that they must follow him or perish. His constant demands for war were soon heard by the diverse leaders, and soon a warrant for his arrest would be issued.
In his final days in Mecca, the prophet constructed a treaty of war with the local tribes. This was the last straw for the Meccans, who, after years of tolerating Muhammad’s calls to terror, finally ordered his capture and death penalty for treason. Many apologists will say that Muhammad and his first Muslim followers fled because of anti-Islamic persecution, but the prophet and his men were the aggressors.
Muhammad’s flight to Medina would be one of the most world-altering events in history. Because of his modeling migration to spread jihad, the mischievous prophet would spur hundreds of millions of Muslims throughout history to do the same. This is known as Hijrah, or emigration jihad, one of the holiest duties of Muslims.
Muhammad spent his days in Medina ambushing caravans and stealing their goods as “booty of war.” He began receiving more revelations from Allah, many of which encompassed the justification for theft, war, rape, and slavery. As for his captives, Muhammad often listened to their pleas for mercy, amused by their begging. However, most who he saw as unfit to be slaves were put to death by his order.
Soon, the prophet and his den of thieves grew more powerful, and they set their sights on dividing and conquering local Jewish tribes. Muhammad was successful because he would strike a peace treaty with terrified tribes, only to break it once he gained access to their townships.
Perhaps the most infamous example of this was Muhammad’s mass execution of the Banu Qurayza. It is written that the prophet himself participated in the slaughter, with he and his men beheading between 700 and 900 of men and boys, and taking the women and girls as sex slaves. In fact, a Jewish girl named Rayhana became Muhammad’s personal concubine the same night that he ordered her husband beheaded.
Of course, apologists will again claim that the prophet never approved of rape or sex slavery, but his own words and actions, as recorded in the Hadith, prove otherwise.
Muhammad’s following continued to grow through blood lust, lure of power, and forced conversion. Many saw conversion as either the only way to be spared or an opportunity to have all the pleasures disallowed in other religions, such as multiple wives, sex slaves, slaves, and a chance at wealth and power.
Muhammad’s life became one of unlimited pleasure, justified solely because he claimed to be the messenger of Allah.
Just as the meme mentions, the Jews held at least half of the population before Muhammad began his tirade of slaughter and conquest. By the end of his reign, they had all been exiled, killed, forcibly converted, or had fled as refugees themselves.
Quite literally, the tolerant, gracious Jews welcomed their own demise when they brought in just a few Muslim “refugees.” They believed they were doing their “religious duty,” but had no idea that the Hijrah was intended for conquest, not coexistence.
The moral of this history is to be careful when accepting in Muslim refugees, lest ye become one yourself.
