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[PICS] Man Hears Noise While Sleeping, Wakes To Find ‘NIGHTMARE’ Beside Bed

Robert Rich
Not knowing he was making a mistake, a man unwittingly set forth a series of events that resulted in an occurrence that some are calling extremely unsettling. He only recently realized his mistake when he heard a strange noise while he was asleep and woke to find nothing short of a ‘nightmare’ beside his bed.
As explained on the photo sharing website Imgur, user Kelfezond bought a Boa Constrictor out of Wolverhampton, England. Seeing how the trip was about 340 miles from his home, you can tell just how badly he wanted the slithering creature he would later name Pandora.
Imgur user Kelfezond with his Boa Constrictor named Pandora
As time went by, the two became rather close. Then, something unusual happened. According to Kelfezond, Pandora suddenly stopped eating. In his own words:
No matter what I offered her to eat she wouldn’t touch it. Mice? Nope. Rats? Nope. Guinea Pigs? Nope. Chicken? Nope. Pheasant? Nope.
However, one morning soon after that, he would awake to find the reason for his scaled companion’s hunger strike after hearing Pandora creeping up and down her cage. When he turned on the light to investigate the noise a little further, what he found is described by many as being straight out of a nightmare.
The 36 babies he found in his snake cage
According to Kelfezond, he found 36 baby snakes in the cage with Pandora all slithering around. Apparently the mother snake had given birth.
“[W]ho knew snakes could have live births?” he went on to write. “I always thought they all laid eggs! Turns out I was wrong and Boa Constrictors are one of the few snakes that do have live-born babies, so now I was stuck with 36 baby snakes inside her cage.”
Oddly enough, the astounded man states that Pandora hadn’t been around another snake, let alone a male, originally referencing the instance as a “seemingly virgin birth.” He would later explain that he found out the guy he bought Pandora from had kept her in a cage with a male but neglected to tell him that when he made the purchase.
Kelfezond wrangled up all the snakes and placed them into separate containers before eventually finding them their own homes, but there was just one little problem along the way. As demonstrated by pictures, one of the snake’s (who he’d later name Dopey) had an eye that was bulging out of its head – almost as if it was going to “pop.”
Dopey before surgery
The animal lover states that he immediately brought Dopey to the vet who explained that it had been born without a spectacle scale – “the clear scale that covers the snake’s eyes, it’s the reason they don’t have to blink and the way they don’t poke their eyes out moving through branches and twigs without hands to cover their face.” Their only option was a costly procedure to remove the snake’s eye and sew up the hole in hopes of preventing the snake from catching it on something later and potentially dying from an injury.
Dopey after surgery
Although most would be frustrated with the entire ordeal, it seems that Kelfezond actually didn’t mind it so much. “All in all the babies were with me for about two months until I managed to find them all homes,” he wrote. “They left me with a love for breeding snakes, a hole in my wallet and a great story to tell people about Pandora.”
However, others don’t think they would have responded quite so well. “I’m not a fan of snakes — they creep me out. That being said, it looks like you really care for them & that is heartwarming. Great job OP,” one user wrote.
Obviously this man was a snake lover, that’s how he ended up in this predicament in the first place, but what do you think? How would you respond to waking up to such a sight? Do you think you’d be more creeped out or simply amazed?
(h/t: Mirror)
(Image source: Imgur)
