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After Imam Backs Trump’s Muslim Ban, Here’s How ‘Tolerant’ Muslims Respond

Robert Rich
Yesterday, a Texas Imam made headlines after outwardly expressing support for Donald Trump’s pause to Muslim immigration, saying it was the smart and logical thing to do. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t quite anticipate how fellow members of the “religion of peace” would respond – and now, he’s paying the price.
Nidal Alsayyed is currently an Imam at The Islamic Center of Triplex in Beaufort, Texas. He has taught the words of Islam since 1989. However, it seems that may have most recently come to an end after an interview he had with a local news station.
Nidal Alsayyed
All taking place in an exclusive interview with KBMT-TV on Monday, the Imam dubbed Trump’s ideas about Muslim immigration as “wise.” He further explained his sentiments saying:
“I certainly see it to be wise [to] stop temporarily accepting any new Muslim immigrants (refugees and non-refugees) into the United States,” Alsayyed said. “[Islam] is based on the fact that we can hardly distinguish who is Muslim and who is not. Islam is not about an ID card or last name or shouting, ‘Allahu Akbar.’”
As one would imagine, the remarks resulted in their fair share of backlash and even prompted an invite on Fox News for an interview with Sean Hannity. It seems that the man’s common-sense statement was met with mostly negative reactions from the leftists and Muslim communities.
In fact, the Imam states that after the remarks were made, he received a late night phone call from a member of the mosque’s board, demanding his resignation. Alsayyed willingly stepped down, but he states it too was the smart thing to do.
Although he states that their decision was “definitely unfair,” he says that it comes at a time when American Imams are being “treated unfairly.” In his own words, he explains, “We in this country as imams are getting unfair treatment when they are being forced to manufacture or go with some political campaigning and not considering the safety and peace of the people.”
We are literally experiencing a time in our nation where certain speech is resulting in people being punished – exactly what our Founding Fathers sought to protect against. Imagine for a moment if they, back in that time, experienced such nonsense. America would cease to exist as we know it.
This is the nation brought to you be Barack Obama. As it turns out, it takes exactly 238 years for a society to forget what life was like under tyrannical reign and allow themselves to once again be enslaved by its principles. I shudder at the thought of when this boils over, because surely it’s headed that way.
(h/t: The Blaze)
(Image source: KBMT-TV)
