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Hillary Clinton Has A Message For Americans: Behave Like Good Little Infidels

Rebecca Diserio
What is Hillary Clinton’s message to America on terrorism and the Middle East? Most believe Hillary will continue with the Obama approach, which is appeasement at any cost. Hillary is sending this message to America: “Behave like good little infidels.” Jack Englehard drives this point home in his op-ed in Israel’s Arutz Sheva International News, and he couldn’t be more correct.

When it comes to what anyone can say or write, it’s a national security issue. Remember, according to the Democrats, we need to proceed with approval. We may say or write something that will cause terrorists to launch another 9/11. Englehard says:
We need permission to proceed. We need to phone first. Whom to call? Start with your local chapter of CAIR. Or dial Hillary for clearance.
Hillary is running on her Secretary of State record. Hillary’s campaign will pump up, that above all the rest running, it’s Hillary who has job experience dealing with the Middle East.
Who cares about her record, or what those crazy far right conservatives say is her record.
Benghazi? Forget about it. It’s those who are ratcheting up hatred toward terrorists that are to blame for Paris and San Bernardino.
But since we don’t know exactly what it is that will trigger those people, it’s best to clam up. Forget that we are Americans.
“We are the world.” Stick to Climate Change. That’s safe. Talk weather and nobody gets hurt.
Never mind free speech. Forget the Constitution. Goodbye Bill of Rights. Hillary and her fellow Liberals want you to know that it’s time to submit.
Between them and us, the future belongs to them, radicalized Islam.
Hillary wants you to behave…behave like good little infidels. [Arutz Sheva International News]
Hillary said it all when she said it was Donald Trump who was a recruitment tool for ISIS. Hillary wants Americans to cower in fear, blaming terrorist activity on those who speak out against it. Don’t bring up that Islamic terrorism has gone on for 1300 years.
In Vienna a few months ago, a Jewish citizen had to remove his small Israeli flag from his window. Muslim refugees were “affected” by the site of the little flag. Take it down.
So scared is western Europe they will hunker in shame allowing these terrorists to take away their freedoms.
Will America? Most of us can’t believe the difference we see in the last seven years under the rule of President Obama. We can’t afford a Hillary Clinton presidency or a Bernie Sanders one for that matter.
Hillary is banking a certain demographic will rally around her “black flag of submission.” America is on the edge, tip it toward the Democrats for another 4 years, and we will be taking the American flag out of our windows.
