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ISIS Spots Something Under Woman’s Burqa, FREAK When They See What It Is

Robert Rich
The all-women police force for the Islamic State (ISIS/Daesh) have reached new lows after seeing a suspicious woman with something under her burqa. After rushing over and revealing what it was, the group freaked out, but it’s what they did next that’s leaving the world speechless.
For those unaware, the Al-Khansaa Brigade consist of only females and was put into place about 18 months ago as strict enforcers of Sharia law within the so-called “caliphate.” Unfortunately, when they saw a woman in Raqqa, Syria sitting underneath a tree in broad day light with something tucked under her burqa, they quickly wandered over to investigate.
Much to their surprise, the mother was actually breastfeeding an infant at the time and was using her Islamic garments to shield the baby – and herself – from the view of the public. Little did she know, it wasn’t good enough.
Members of the all-women, Al-Khansaa Brigade that enforces Sharia law within the caliphate.
According to a woman named Aisha, a former Raqqa resident living in southern Turkey, “An [IS] policewoman took the baby, gave it to another woman, and then killed the mother.” With pro-ISIS social media accounts detailing that the woman had “violated public decency” rules, they went on to say that she was mutilated before she was killed. further reports that the IS policewomen “appear to be particularly ruthless towards moms.” The story of a 50-year-old woman named Um Hamid seems to prove this even further. It is said that the Al-Khansaa Brigade demanded her daughters be handed over and married as a fee for food ration. She instead chose to go hungry.
Despite the many leftists seeking to defend Islam, it’s clear now that those enforcing the religion as it was intended only speak one language – violence. Don’t you think it’s high time we start getting our point across in a way they can understand?
