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The Leftist Lies That Brainwash Americans On National Security

Rebecca Diserio
Spread the word, leftist lies coming from left leaning journalists brainwash Americans into a false guilt complex. What Americans don’t need is a false sense of guilt, anything that takes Americans’ attention off our national security is a win for the Democratic party. The left has their marching orders. This is a war of words, and left leaning journalists know the game is to sway Americans into thinking any candidate who is strong on national security, especially on Muslim refugees, are horrible racists.
As we ring in the New Year, the game will go into overdrive. More leftist media outlets will start with this anti-racist campaign, lodging accusations at conservatives. One story that previews the coming war of words comes from a Huffington Post article by Muslim Brotherhood water carrier Kashif Chaudhry: “A Muslim’s Christmas Message.” Pamela Gellar shreds the lies of Chaudhry’s false narrative, meaning to guilt American Christians:
Chaudhry unwittingly betrays his sinister agenda when he recounts a tale from Islamic tradition about how “the righteous Christian King Negus” of Abyssinia (actually “Negus” was his title, not his proper name) gave refuge in Abyssinia to a party of Muslims, allowing “the Muslims to live in his country with complete freedom.” So in a time when Muslims are persecuting Christians worldwide, Chaudhry tells us a story about… Christians being tolerant of Muslims. That makes it clear: his agenda is to shame Americans into thinking that they shouldn’t resist jihad terror, for that would be “intolerant” of Muslims, rather than to convince Muslims that they shouldn’t persecute Christians. [via Atlas Shrugs]
Gellar goes on to further dissect Chaudhry’s false message. Chaudhry’s does what most jihadis do best, twist a tale from the past of Muhammad to make it seem Muhammad loved all the Jews and Christians, and was only this peace-loving leader. More importantly, this attack from Chaudhry is indicative of how the left lies, and it makes everything a “far right” conspiracy. Chaudhry in the past, hit Donald Trump as a “far right-wing nut” who is radicalizing Americans.
The overall take away from these hit pieces is clear. The objective is to shame Americans into thinking conservative views on terrorists threats are overboard. Don’t be fooled. The stories coming out of the Middle East of the persecution of Christians are true.
In the days leading up to Christmas 2015, Christmas was officially banned in no less than three Muslim countries: Somalia, Tajikistan, and Brunei. Muslims in Israel torched Christmas trees in Christian towns. In Germany, Muslims beat Christians after Christmas celebrations. Muslims burned and destroyed churches in Sudan. A pastor in eastern Uganda was hacked to death last Wednesday as he and other Christians tried to prevent Muslims from taking over their land. [via Atlas Shrugs]
So, be warned. This type of rhetoric coming from the left is there to combat those Americans who believe America is in real danger. We will see the Democratic party start to call out conservatives as racists, trying to eliminate the national security message.
To win the White House, those in the Democratic party know, if Americans are concerned about being safe, the vote will go for conservative candidates. The game is the war on words. We need to battle back by spreading the truth, reminding our fellow Americans that terrorism is real. We will not be shamed into a false sense of peace to further the goals of the Democratic party.
