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ISIS Prepares To Kill Captured Hostages, Then It Starts Raining Pink Mist

Robert Rich
With about 20 hostages being held in the lower floor of an Islamic State (ISIS/Daesh) controlled building, just about all hope had been lost, as they were about to be killed. However, things took quite a turn when a miracle seemed to revealed itself, and it started to rain a pink mist.
ISIS has long ruled by fear and has killed countless innocent people. Unfortunately, about 20 more were to become a part of that statistic, until something incredible happened.
According to reports, three Islamic militants were set on killing themselves in a series of suicide attacks, but British special forces, who learned of the militants’ plans, set out to prevent it from happening. However, they were soon to realize that the members of the terrorist group had secured themselves in the upper floor of a building, placing 20 hostages in the floor below to act as human shields.
Those in charge quickly brainstormed how to eliminate the imminent threat with suggestions such as air strikes coming forward. Quickly realizing that they would also kill the hostages, they suggested a rocket attack but ruled that out after realizing the blast could bring the building down and still kill everyone, including the innocents.
Luckily, as explained by a source for the Daily Star Sunday, “The SAS [Special Air Service] always like to think out of the box.”
“A staff sergeant in charge of one of the SAS teams working with the Iraqis came up with the idea of shooting through the wall,” the unidentified source went on to say. “It was a case of ‘there’s nothing to lose.’”
Barrett .50 cal
Just like that, the plan went into effect with a sniper setting up more than a half-mile (1,000 meters to be precise) away in another building and taking aim at the building’s second-story wall. Using a Barrett .50 cal, he began firing and, with the help of armor piercing rounds, penetrated both the wall and the militants inside with ease.
For those unaware of the stature of this weapon, Mail Online further reports:
Fed by large magazines containing 10 rounds the rifle has a range of up to 1,800m and can destroy vehicles, light [armor], parked aircraft and fixed installations such as radar dishes.
It has also been used as a very effective anti-sniper weapon as its rounds can go through brick walls and other solid [defenses] used for cover. It can also be used to clear mines and other hidden explosives.
After pumping 30 rounds inside and fully destroying the exterior wall, they’d come back a day later to assess the effectiveness of their strategy. As it turns out, they were able to kill all three ISIS members, decapitating one and cutting another in half completely.
Stock photo of soldier using Barrett .50 cal
“The armor-piercing rounds had a devastating effect. The bodies of the Islamic State fighters had been absolutely pulverized (sic),” the source further explained. “One had been decapitated and another had been cut in half. It was a real scene of carnage – but the tactic proved incredibly effective”
In all, the military reports 3 KIA (killed in action) with the operation saving the lives of all 20 hostages meant to be slaughtered. “The lives of around 20 civilians had been saved,” said the source. “The suicide attacks had been stopped and, without any command and control, the ISIS fighters had retreated into another part of the city. It was a classic SAS operation.”
I don’t know about you, but my sentiments on this one are pretty simple and encompassed in just one word — good. There’s nothing better than a feel good story, and this human filth being sent to spend an eternity in hell, well, it just doesn’t get any better than that.
(h/t: Opposing Views)
(Image source: Mail Online)
