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Sex Crimes Increasing: Public Pools Unsafe As Syrians Rape & Assault Girls

Rebecca Diserio
The sexual attacks on New Year’s Eve were just a glimpse of the raping and pillaging going on in Germany. As Angela Merkel backtracks on her open border policy, it’s a little too late.
To date, Germany has received 1.1 million refugees. The refugee population is majority of  men between the ages of 18-30, who believe it’s their right to sexually molest any Western female who crosses their path, and now, not even public pools are safe.
The reports out of Germany continue with multiple examples of women being raped and assaulted. The latest is a 17-year-old girl raped by three Syrian teens while in a public swimming pool. According to the Express:
The trio allegedly surrounded the teen, with one of the boys groping her under her swimming costume and penetrating her, making the sex attack rape under German law.
The girl’s sister was also allegedly groped before they managed to flee to a lifeguard who called the police.
Because the asylum seekers were only 15, they were not remanded in custody and were released, and will be prosecuted under juvenile law.
Another horrifying report came out of the German town of Gelsenkirchen and happened on Christmas eve. A 24-year-old woman was attacked outside a cemetery from behind. Beaten and unconscious, she was dragged into the cemetery and raped by a 24-year-old refugee from Morocco.
Because this happened prior to the joint attacks on New Year’s eve, it was not heavily reported in the news. Now, in light of these sexual attacks coming in from all over Germany, law enforcement have charged the man with attempted murder, as well as rape.
Another attack happened to a teen girl walking home from school. An Afghan teen approached her and asked to kiss her. The girl refused. The Afghan teen then grabbed her hand and kissed it. The girl started to run away, but the Afghan teen pursued her, then grabbed her with both hands. Luckily, a 26-year-old German man saw the attack and intervened.
Frank Baranowski, the mayor of Gelsenkirchen, addressed the issue of the rapes. He could not “cover” any longer for the government, which has let the enemies at the gate inside.
“Violence against women is always despicable and criminal, and it is a great shame that this has been shown to be a case where the alleged attacker is from the ranks of the asylum seekers, who only a short time before were welcomed into our community here in Gelsenkirchen.
“This is not only a gross disregard for hospitality but also inhumane.” — via the Express
Now, Angela Merkel is backtracking on her open borders in a statement she made yesterday.
Merkel said yesterday at an event in Mainz, near Frankfurt, that Europe was ‘vulnerable’ in the refugee crisis because it was not yet in control of the situation to the extent that it would like to be.
She said: “Now all of a sudden we are facing the challenge that refugees are coming to Europe and we are vulnerable, as we see, because we do not yet have the order, the control, that we would like to have.” — via Daily Mail
Vigilante groups are springing up all over Germany. Outraged, some are taking to the streets in masks. In Leipzig, 200 masked Germans barricaded themselves in several buildings, smashing up store fronts. The group is demanding action from the authorities to take control of the migrants.
Other organized law-abiding vigilante groups have taken to the streets, coordinating activities, making sure they are a “presence” on streets to keep the women safe, as previously reported by Mad World News.
Admitting that Germany has a problem with their refugee population is an embarrassment for Merkel. No longer can the German people deny they are facing a huge problem.
America needs to keep an eye on Europe. Even with all these attacks, leftists are still resolved to call it “racist” if America refuses to take in refugees from the Middle East.
Just days before the New Year’s eve attacks, a Muslim migrant was captured on video as he laughingly boasts of himself and 6 other men gang raping a “virgin.” This too is in Germany.
Anyone with a shred of common sense knows it is ignorant to think that opening our borders to the same refugees will result in a different outcome on this side of the Atlantic.
America is not equipped to take on a raping and pillaging refugee population.
