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Leftists Show True Colors At Trump Rally, 6 Nasty Words On Shirt Says it All

Robert Rich
PIC: Leftists Show True Colors At Trump Rally, 6 Words On Shirt Says it AllDonald Trump’s Chicago rally was cancelled on Friday night. As left-wing extremists came out in full, they decided to show their true colors by wearing shirts with six nasty words that say all you need to know about them.
Trump rally didn’t exactly go according to plan. As so-called “protests” quickly started, it wasn’t long before the event was called off altogether when they feared things were getting out of control.
Left-wing terrorists spark violent protest that broke out in Chicago
Emboldened by their success in canceling the event, the thugs responsible further made things worse as the night progressed. Using terroristic tactics, the night ended in hate, violence, and an all-around suppression of First Amendment rights.
However, it seems that those responsible for disrupting the night’s events were giving clear signs that things would be taking the violent route. As depicted in a photo gone viral, a woman was seen wearing a shirt with just 6 words that says it all.
In it’s entirety, the shirt reads, “Vote 4 Trump, you get jumped.” Sounds like a fine group of Americans (heavy sarcasm).
Despite the fact that these entitled monsters got exactly what they wanted, it turns out that they merely played right into Trump’s hands. Not only are the night’s events being talked about non-stop, they’re driving voters in the direction of Trump.
No one likes thuggish behavior. Frankly, it isn’t going to get you anywhere in the grand scheme of things. Sure, they may have been successful in their efforts on Friday, but they really just shot themselves in the foot. They’re guaranteeing more people show up to the polls in favor of the man they hate. If they can’t stand Trump now, it’s going to be a long 4 (or maybe 8) years for them once he gets elected. Buckle up liberal crybabies, it’s going to be a bumpy ride for you.
